The next day, Margot's mother, Francoise made galettes and crepes and we all helped to make some! Here's Margot making a crepe! :) She is un professionelle, non?
After crepes and galettes galore, Margot took me to Binic to see the ocean, which was just a mess of turquoise beauty and white caps. We walked around and even got some ice cream because it was so warm out... in the soleil, mostly. :)
We went to her friend's house for dinner, which was lovely not only because the dinner and appetizers were fantastically mouth-wateringly delicious, but also because it was really nice to meet les francaises who are my age!! Finally! Also, I got to experience full-on informal and slang without being it being taught to me. Which was interesting and difficult, but mostly just enjoyable :)
And today, Margot's parents took Margot, her sister Romane, an
After the cliffs, we went to Dinan and walked around. This is a small city from medieval times and has fabulous architecture and ramparts around the city, too. It was such an interesting day that I am exhausted- haha.
The best part about the weekend though was that I had NON STOP french in my brain for two days. This doesn't usually happen when I'm with the other American girls because although we do make a point to speak in French, it doesn't always happen and we get used to our own vocabulary. I learned so many different french words this weekend just from speaking with Margot and her family!!!!! Un phare = a lighthouse. Not une maison de lumiere as I had originally guessed.
Just before I left, too, I got to check out their backyard with their chickens from which they collect about 6 eggs from every day- her little sister, Romane, adores the chickens and showed me them. :)
Really thoug
And now I'm going to pass out before I have to get up for my one class tomorrow (bahaha) at 1:30PM. Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Bonne nuit!
so glad you had a wonderful time with margot and family! it looks like a place you will have to take us sometime!!
ReplyDeletewe need to get one of those crepe griddles!!! :) mwah